This is a helpful, if not tongue in cheek, blog I wrote about file delimters.
Take it to De-Limit: Winning with Epic Delimiters
Software team organization
My recent post about using and creating pert charts for software projects:
Hipter’s Guide to Pert Charts
My post on how good devex improves resilience by building knowledge as capital.
Medium: Building Resilience with Developer Experience
My article on using svelte to build a hobby site :
In this recent post I take the Solid Project for a test drive. The Solid Project is an implementation of a distributed data store that can be used to improve identity verification on the web.
Beginning Decentralized Identity Applications with Solid
My recent publication on distributed data stores and verified credentials. The article looks at the W3C specification for Verified Credentials and looks at the potential impact for financial industries. It has a pretty hefty title.
Distributed Personal Data Stores and Verified Credentials: Potential Opportunities in Finance
Here’s another older article I published on LinkedIn called ‘
Communicating Project Complexity’.